Saturday, April 25, 2020

Coming Back!!!

Coming Back!!!

It has been over seven years since I returned to my blog space. I don't know what vacuum is created inside when we lose parents in life. I wrote many notes, but I simply forgot about this blogging I used to do until my friend teasingly reminded me last week. I felt I had missed my spiritual friend, and I had to return back. The Guru appears when we are ready. I have been missing something deep within me, and no amount of variety of successful laudable work was fulfilling me. There was a deep yearning. Unknowingly, to fill that space, I searched for exciting action, good-old school friends, jokes on WhatsApp, endless conversations, regarding pandemic situations... nothing satisfying. In all these two things, I had stopped journaling as often as I did and writing to myself through this blog. The poetry had waned out. Tears that used to threaten to fall had begun to dry out, and a stifling inside had begun. Prayers to find a way out was on, and the Guru appeared. I was sipping my coffee yesterday morning and typed out a message to Swami Achalananda Giri, I need help. I don't know what is happening. He had gifted me a book in January with a note, "meditate, meditate, meditate till you reach the goal." I asked him about it and realized I had stopped my meditation too this year. Some things waters the soul, and if we don't take care of it, every other good manure we are pouring only begins to burn the plant. Recognize what helps your soul water, breathe, and sustain. What builds a fire inside, and what grounds us to relax and rest? The vacuum in life settles in those five elements and doesn't allow us to rise and fly high. Identifying and capturing those elements and building a routine around them are setting self on the spiritual path.
Pals, now that I am set wait for more. I am going to begin a story of seeking that has been weaving inside me!!! coming soon :) :) 

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